
Showing posts from March 23, 2020

Ms Evi ECCE for 25/3/20

Hi girls! Sorry for the delayed post! 😊 For Wednesday, I would like you to see  this . It's about celebrities ! First of all, you can do the preparation task, then read the text and after that, you can do the exercises that follow. Now, you know how the site works. Write down your answers in your notebooks, so we can check them when we meet again.  For some speaking practice, you can do the preparation task first and then watch  this . It's an interview . Try to imitate the guy during the interview and you can do the two tasks after the video too. Don'tforget to write down your notes and answers.  I hope you are all well and enjoy the stuff I'm sending you! 😏😊 Take care!

Ms Themis for 26/3/20

AB Junior Hello Ody, Olympia and George. How are you feeling today? For next time, listen to all the songs we're learning again. (I don't like eggs here , the ones here  and the bear named Sue here ) Sing out loud, learn them well! Watch this story, play the game and do these  exercises. New words to learn from the story: Look out! Πρόσεχε! Dangerous επικίνδυνος Lost χαμένος Present δώρο C Senior Hey girls, how are you doing? I don't see a lot of activity on the platform :( and I haven't read anyone's writings apart from Alex's! For next time, revise the dialogue in SB p.60 In your WB, read the text again and do ex. 3,4,5. Learn the new vocabulary on this page. Post your answers of ex. 5 on the platform's blog so I can read them please! Last: it was poetry day the other day and I was thinking you should read this poem (do the preparation task too and don't worry if you don't understand every single word) and then try ...

Ms Themis for 25/3/20

B Senior Hi guys! How are you doing? Make sure you revise The Selfish Crocodile and Dinosaur Dig. Watch them both again! Can you tell both of the stories? I hope you enjoyed reading about the 4 seasons, interesting right? Post your writings on the platform's blog so I can read them! For next time I want you to revise all the irregular verbs we learnt so far, watch this video, read the grammar below it and do the exercises that follow. Good luck and enjoy! Drama Llamas Hi guys Keep doing the conditional tests I sent you last time to revise! For next time I want you to read this article, do the exercises that follow as well as these ones here . Answer the question and write the new words you learnt in the box in the end. Enjoy, it's an interesting one! Proficiency Hey guys For next time: Revise grammar unit 7 Revise Companion p.109-110 and take a look at p.111 Do the exercises I'm sending you on viber.

Miss Chara's Prelower 1 and 2 for 25/3

I hope you are all doing great guys! Make sure you send me pictures of your homework so that I can give you some feedback and we can all move forward! So, don't forget to submit your essays 'The Surprise' though email to Also make sure you all register to Cambridge lms , I have unlocked unit 1 and 2 for you, so make sure you log in to do the exercises. Since our next unit is all about festivals let's learn about one! Go to this link  Holi Do the preparation task then read the text to learn about the festival. Do the following 2 exercises (true or false , gap fill) Write all answers and scores in your notebooks. To learn some very famous english idioms go to this link:   5 English Idiom Every Student Should Know Read the text and take notes of the idioms and their meanings in your notebooks. Then write one or 2 small dialogues using some or all of these idioms! Do you know any other idioms in English or in Greek? Then to have so...

Miss Chara's Lower for 25/3

Moving on a little bit with our books and considering you have all done your previous homework with future tenses you can do the following: Student's book p68 you can do GRAMMAR exer 1,2 (will, going to, present simple, present continuous) and VOCABULARY exercises 1,2 (be about to, be off to, be on the point of -expressions about the future) From Workbook you can do p67 exer 1,2,3 and for some exam practice p71 do exer 1,2 the open clozes and read carefully the instructions and the tips for some extra help! Make sure you all do this week the essay that I assigned you last time and submit it in the email of the school so that I can correct it! I POST THE TOPIC AGAIN BELOW: Go to this link:  FOMO Do the preparation task and read the essay. Play close attention to all the techniques the writer uses to make this article more interesting ( the writing tips). Try to use them in your essay as well. Do the 3 exercise following. Now write your essay Choose one of the topics bel...

Ms Evi Asenior for 25/3/20

Hello girls! I hope you are all well and have fun with your families at home! 😊 I would like you to do something really fun for Wednesday! It was the  World   Poetry   Day on Saturday, so I want you to look at  this . It's about dreams ! First, you can do the preparation task, then listen to the poem and after that, you can play 3 games! Yayyy! You can find the words of the poem in the Documents after the games. Write your answers in your notebooks, so we can check them when we meet again.  I would like you to learn a song as well! It's a pirate song ! You can do the preparation task again, then listen to the song and play the game too!  This  is the song! You can find the words to the song in Documents after the game.  Have fun girls! Enjoy your stay at home! 🍭

Mr Kostas B Senior for Wednesday 25/3

Hi students. I hope you are alright. For Wedenesday I want you to watch this story  and do all the exercises from the photocopy. You will also have an extra photocopy which you have to complete with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Mr Kostas Confident Girrafes for Friday 27/3

Hello Confident Girrafes. Have a nice week. For next time I want you to listen and learn  this song . I want you to learn it by heart. Then you must do all the exercises from the photocopies. You must also write some sentences about Gruffalo. Let's see if you remember the Gruffalo.  Enjoy!!!

Mr Kostas Pro Parrots for Wednesday 25/3

Hello Pro Parrots. Have a nice week. For next time I want you to listen and learn this song . I want you to learn it by heart. Then you must do all the exercises from the photocopies. Enjoy!!!