
Showing posts from June 16, 2020

Mr Kostas B Senior for Wednesday 17/6

Sb: p102 read x3       p103 exc3 Wb: p 100 exc 1          p 101 all exc          p 102 all exc          p 103 exc 1 Wordlist: p29 words 53-63

Mr Kostas Pro Parrots for Wednesday 17/6

Sb: p98-99 read x3 Wb: p98-99 all exc Wordlist: p26 words 40-56

Ms Vicky's Top Team for Friday 19/6

Wb:p 104 all exc        P 105 all exc Wordlist: p 28 words 1-17

Ms Themis for 17/6/20

B Senior SB p.105 ex. 4 WB p.101 ex.1,2 p.102 ex.1,2,3 Wordlist: p.29-30 (52-82) you know most of these words!

Miss Chara for 17/6

Prelower 1 Workbook p80 do exer 1,2,3,4,5 Companion p41-42 study the words (41-61) and what we wrote on your notebooks PET p38 do exer 1,3 Prelower2 Workbook p80 do exer 6 P84 do exer 1,2,3,4,5 Companion p43 study the words (83-102)

Miss Chara's B senior for 16/6

Workbook p105 do exer 1,2,3,4 P106 do exer 1,2 Companion p30 study the new words and phrases to do the exercises 

AB Junior 1 for 17/6

Lesson 41: read it x5 Copy x4 and dictation: bakery- buy

Miss Chara's Prelower 4 for 16/6

Students book p87 do exer 3,4 Companion p40-41 study the words (22-37) Workbook p78 do 1,2 You can start bringing different foods for our foodscape!! 

Ms Themis A Senior for 17/6/20

SB p.101 ex. 2 Read the text very well and learn one of the paragraphs by heart! (Anyone you want) Ex.3 write in your notebooks WB p.100 ex. 1 Try to remember the story as well as you can Words: revise the words in your vocabulary notebooks and in your wordlists study p 27 (49-70) Learn how to spell them.