
Showing posts from March 13, 2019

Mr marc for 18/03/19

Blue eyed burritos Review revise and organise unit 6 vocab so far. Patatopites Review revise and organize unit 6 so far Companion p 30 listening vocab Students p66 ex 4 Workbook p59 Cambridge extra work unit 5

Ms Evi asenior for 18/3

Workbook: page 53 ex.5,7,8 Companion: page 56 dictation 4.1-4.7 Test in l essons 16-20

Miss Chara for 14/3

C senior: NEXT TIME TEST UNIT 5 Workbook p. 59 exer 3,4 A senior: lesson 21 read 5 times Companion copy and dictation and exer 1,2 B senior: Companion p. 21 copy and dictation 5 times (trap-prey) Workbook p. 74 do exer 1,2,3 p. 74 do exer 2

Ms Themis for 14/03

Pre-Lower (Artemis+Maria) WB p.50 ex. 4,5 p.51 learn vocabulary Do all the activities on this page (watch the video,read the grammar chat and do the activities-take notes in your notebooks) Pre-Lower 6-7 WB p.50 ex. 1,2 Learn  the words from the quiz we did in class (I will send a picture of it on viber so that the people that were missing can do it in their notebooks) Revise unit 5 vocabulary, know it well!! FCE Learn the vocabulary from the quiz and do the photocopy (both sides) ECPE SB p.95 ex. 3 p.103 ex.3 p.109 ex. 2,3 WB p.72 ex. 1,2,3

Ms Vicky's A Senior for 14/3

SB, Lesson 21: read it 5 times SB, p. 67, ex. 6. Companion, p. 57: copy and dictation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22. Companion, p. 58: study Grammar (possessive pronouns) Companion, p. 59, ex 1, 2 Workbook, p. 54, ex. 1, 2

Ms Vicky's Juniors for 14/3

Student's Book, Story 5 (Marianna): read it 3 times. Lesson 26: read it 2 times, copy all the words 3 times, dictation: bathroom-bedroom Test: Lessons 21-25

Mr Kostas Pre Lower for Thursday 14/3 (Artemis/Maria)

Wb: p53 exc 9 and 10          p57 exc 1-5 Comp: p28 words 1-20 Bring your writings from the SB

Mr Kostas C Senior for Thursday 14/3 (16:00-18:00)

Wb: p58 exc 1-6 Copy your writings in your notebooks

Mr Kostas B Senior for Thursday 14/3 (17:00-19:00)

Sb: p56 read x5        p142 get-hold Wb: p48 exc 1,2,3 Comp: p61 words 1-28              p63 exc 1 and 2

Mr Kostas Pre Lower for Thursday 14/3 (18:00-20:00)

Comp: p27 words 87-102 Wb: p52 exc 1-8 Maria and Nick bring me your writings (dog translator)