Ms Themis for 5/5/20
Pre-Lower WB p.64-65 ex. 4-8 P.66 ex.1 Learn the prepositions by heart <3 Remember the expressions that mean to like sth : to be fond of/keen on/interested in Revise the vocabulary and grammar of unit 6! Word list: p.34 (1-12) Make a quiz with 5 of the words and send them to your teacher before the class. Do the reading and writing PET test I sent you on viber. B Senior SB p.81 ex. 4 POST IT ON THE CLMS blog WB p.78 ex. 3 POST IT ON THE CLMS blog P.79 ex. 1,2 Try to learn it almost by heart, practise it with someone at home or with a classmate! P.80 ex. 1 (It’s not a listening!) Words: p.22 (73-87) Have a nice weekend!