
Showing posts from December 19, 2018

Miss Chara's and Mr Marc's PRE-LOWER for Christmas

Revise chapters 1,2,3 grammar and vocabulary and do all the exercises of the mid term test (apart from 7 & 10) as well as the reading and the writing. Read the short story 'The scholarship jacket' and do all the exercises included.

Miss Chara's & Miss Vicky's JUNIORS Christmas Homework

Revise verb to be, have got and plurals and do photocopy revision exer 1,2,4

Ms Evi A senior for 7/1

Grammar photocopy, letter to Santa, same words for dictation, book summary Το επόμενο μάθημα θα είναι στις 7 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Miss Chara's Christmas Homework for A senior (Super Minds)

Revise chapters 1,2,3 and do all exercises of the review test. Write funny sentences to make a silly Christmas story. Write a letter to Santa Claus asking the gift you want!

Miss Chara's Christmas Homework for C senior (Monday-Wednesday 4:00-6:00)

Revise units 1,2,3 and do all exercises of the mid year term test (except for 10 listening) Read the information about Charles Dickens and 'A Christmas Carol' Answer all questions and then write a diary entry as Scrooge describing one of the events that happened to you in detail and how you felt.

Miss Chara for 20/12

C senior: Student's Book p. 117 clil exer 3 and 6 B senior : Student's Book p. 45 exer 3 (small writing about an accident) Photocopy present perfect study the first page (the irregular verbs and the uses of present perect) and do exercises A, B, C

Mr marc for 20/12/18

B senior Revise your text please! Fce Revise unit 3 and think of a book to choose ECPE Reading 2 p48 ex2 ,3 Companion 4.1-4.46 review revise and organise

Ms Vicky's A Seniors for 20/12

Write a paragraph: What do you do every Christmas? Where do you go? Who do you go with? What do you do there? Do you get presents? What kind of presents do you get? SB, Lesson 11: read it 5 times.

Ms Vicky's AB Juniors for 20/12

Lesson 13 : read 5 times. Learn by heart : 'Dr Mad has got a big, bad dragon. It's got a big head and red eyes. It's got green hair and a big mouth. It's got short legs. The boys and girls are scared. ' Workbook , p. 37, ex. 3.