
Showing posts from March 29, 2018

Miss Chara's ECCE homework for 2/4

Student's Book: do review p.129-130 p. 92 do exer A&B P.93 do exer D&exam practice Companion p.99-101 words for dictation (repetitive-direct) P.103 do A P.104 do C&E

Miss Chara's Easter Homework vol. II

Pre-lower: Student's Book p. 64 exer 7 P.65 exer 4+5 Workbook p. 58 exer 1,2,3,4,5,6 Read the short story "The Scholarship Jacket" by Marta Salinas and do the exercises A senior: 1) Write your Easter diary Begin "Dear diary, I had so much fun in my Easter holidays!" 2) British Council photocopy with Simple past 3)companion p.67 copy+ dictation p.68 exer 1+2 4) Book Reading and tell us the story!

Ms Vicky's Juniors 29/03 Easter homework

16:00-18:00 Student's book, Lesson 29: read it 5 times, copy the words 5 times and study them for dictation Workbook: pages 76-77. 17:30-19:30 Student's book, Lesson 29: read it 5 times, copy the words 5 times and study them for dictation. Workbook: pages 74-77. Happy Easter!

Mr Kostas' B Senior for Tuesday 17/4/2018 (18:00-20:00)

HW SB: p67 exc 6        p68 read x1        p142 revise "lend-sit" Companion: p72 read words "1-31" Read the book and write a summary Do all exercises on both sides of the photocopy 

Ms Evi's Csenior for 17/4/2018 Easter homework

Companion: same words page 28 1-18 Workbook: page 52 ex.1,2,3,4, page 53 ex.5, 6,7,8, page 61 ex.1,2,3,4,5 Students book: page 64, ex.3,4, 5 Book summary Test in units 1-4 (revise all readings, grammar phenomena and vocabulary)

Ms Evi's A senior for 17/4/2018 Easter homework

Students book: page 66 Lesson 21 read it and ex.2 Companion: page 57 21.1-21.22, page 59 ex.1,2 Workbook: page 54 ex.1, 2, page 55 ex.3 Book summary

For Mr Marc 20/04/18

Pre lower Please review revise and organise ALL the units so far, including phrasal verbs from readings, speaking sections and collocations and idioms. Create category clouds and the fork system to make more sense of the vocab we're learning! Join the class on quizlet ( login using your facebook or gmail account ) to challenge and test yourself - remember to use the learn, test and game options in quizlet. ECCE Hi guys, please take the time to review, revise and organise all the words we have learned so far. Join the page i've made on quizlet to challenge yourself on the vocabulary from the book. Remember, you can login using your facebook or gmail account. Please make sure you do what I ask over the next two weeks, a little bit every two days - NOT all at once. Like watering a plant, or training for a big match, a little bit every day goes a long way!