Mr Marc for 14/12/20
ECCE Test on unit 1-3 grammar and vocab( NO PASSIVE VOICE!) use this video and the exercises below to practice future tenses and forms! This video focuses on the perfect tenses from unit 2, unit 1 vocab on quizlet unit 3 vocab on quizlet FCE Hello guys, this week i'm giving you something we practiced in the last unit - playing with suffixes and prefixes from the use of english part 3 (please check viber for the worksheet) don't forget to review ( read the texts), revise (study- remember to use quizlet) and organise ( wordlists!) your vocab Polar Penguins Hi guys, please do your online homework and wkbk p25 ( chris i m expecting that writing) ANyone who hasnt sent me the writing from sb p29 please do so!