
Showing posts from January 26, 2022

Mr Marc for 31/01/22

 Furious Fireflies revise unit 5 vocabulary  by re-reading the texts at the beginning of the unit and use quizlet to test yourself (click on learn , flashcards or test )  Then complete the multiple choice on sb p 64 Elegant Elephants  complete the listening on sb p56 ( see viber link track 10 and 11 ) and complete wb p42 Read the texts again to check your vocabulary and test yourself with quizlet  (click on  learn ,  flashcards  or  test  )  Cambridge proficiency  check the Napoleon photocopy ( see viber) write the essay from the sb p56-57 using the expressions from ex 4. Try to complete the listening from sb p58 (see viber for the audio) ex 2 and 3  Embarrassing eskimo dogs Hey guys, please revise the words we covered from the text together and make sure you write examples with expressions from exercise G p 69 in the sb. Revise the vocab with quizlet  (click on  learn ,  flashcards  or  test...

Ms Fillio's Juniors 2 for 31/1

WB on p.55 ex.4  On p.56 all exercises  ( Για όσους έλειπαν σε προηγούμενα μαθήματα : Do the exercises on WB, on p. 52,53) 

Ms Fillio's Juniors 1 for 31/1

 SB on p.58 read the text!  Copy x5 and dictation: men, women, bin, rubbish, bottle  On p.59 ( όποιος θέλει) make a poster about the beach 🏖️!  WB on p.53 ex.2 ,3  On p.54 ex.2 

Ms Evi Prof for 28/1/22

Student's book: page 47 ex.2,3, page 54 grammar therapy  Workbook: page 38 ex.1,2,3, page 42 clozes  Companion: page 50-51 4.1-4.20, page 53-54 4.47-4.62 words for dictation 

Ms Evi Bsenior 1 for 31/1/22

Workbook: page 38 ex.3 Student's book: page 39 ex.3

Ms Evi Pre-Lower 1 for 31/1/22

Workbook: page 32 and 34 all exercises, page 94 study the grammar theory 

Ms Sofia for 27/1 🙏

Hello Pink Panthers 😍 For Thursday : SB: learn the words on p. 47 (ex.1)  WB: p. 32 See you!!!❤❤

Government Agents for 27/1/22

Hello! SB p. 43 ex. 2,3 check out the rule before you do them.  WB p. 37 ex. 4,5,6

Ms Themis B Seniors for 27/1/22

Hello! SB p. 36 Read the text and remember information about: the oldest instrument that we can see today, the lute, what happened in Italy and Spain in the 17th and 19th century and how electric guitars are different.  Copy in your notebooks and study the words: popular (most people like it) Ancient (very very old) Belonged (ανήκε) Similar to (παρόμοιο με) Accompany (συνοδεύω) Unusual (strange) Century (100 years) Activity book: p.36 e. 1,2,3 See you tomorrow!

Ms Nikoleta Juniors for Thursday

 Hello everybody!😍 This is our homework for Thursday: Student's book p. 56 Copy the words (x3) and learn them for dictation: night, sleep, go home, need  (=χρειάζομαι), phone, look for Workbook: p. 50-51 finish the exercises 

Ms Nikoleta Prelower for Thursday

Hello everybody!😍 This is our homework for Thursday: Workbook: p. 33 ex 1,2,3,4 Stb. p. 48 ex 5 Write the answer to this question in a paragraph. You can use the ideas we shared in class or add your own.  See you on Thursday!💪☃