
Showing posts from April 2, 2019

Ms Vicky's A Seniors for 4/4

SB, p. 75, ex. 5: learn by heart p. 132, ex. 2, 3. Test lessons 21-25

Ms Vicky's Juniors for 4/4

Lesson 31, read it 5 times Copy all the words Dictation: street, cinema, school, medal Workbook, p. 83, ex. 2, 3, 4 Την Πέμπτη 4 Απριλίου στις 20:00 θα πραγματοποιηθεί ενημερωτική συνάντηση για τους γονείς των τμημάτων Junior. 

Ms Evi ECCE for 4/4

Student's book: page 87 ex.C, page 90-91 reading Companion: page 96-97 8.1-8.32

Miss Chara for 4/4

C senior: video photocopy do exer 6 Puzzles and quizzes photocopy do exer 1,2 B senior: NEXT TIME TEST UNIT 6 Workbook p 86 do all exercises Companion p24 copy and dictation the words (concert-I knew it!)

Mr marc for 04/04/19

B senior Companion p71 Workbook p54 Learn the text by heart Fce Unit 7 test Photocopy

Miss Chara for 3/4

C senior: Student's Book p. 71 do the writing (an email to a friend about a problem) and Workbook p.101 do all exercises A senior : companion p. 20-21 copy 5 times and dictation the words (earache-lift) Workbook p. 82-83 do all exercises Photocopy simple past do exer 3 Pre-Lower (7-8): test unit 5 grammar and reading Students Book p. 104 (study the verbs that go with - ing or infinitive) P. 73 do exer 1,2,3 from review And Workbook p58 do exer 3,4,5,6 P.60 do exer 1,2,3 Pre-Lowers (8-9) Workbook p101 do all exercises and p64 do exer 3,4,5