Workbook: page 27 ex.1,2, page 29 ex.1 Listening, page 32 ex.1 Reading Companion: page 62-63 5.1-5.34 words for dictation Do the 2 photocpopies that I sent you on Viber
C1 proficiency SB p 60 and p61 vocabulary ex 1 and 2# WB p60 listening exercise 1 and 2 Revise all vocabulary from unit 6 Stupendous 7 please revise the expressions we learned about in the writing section and pick a problem from the forum post ( on the top of sb p53) Write advice to solve the problem and give reasons using the expressions from the Useful language section wb p37-38
Hello everyone! Hw for 11/02 Sb on p.62-63 Διαβάστε καλά την ιστορία. Απέξω από εικ.1: I’m hungry too. Look! A house. Come on. Let’s go in. Copy and dictation από εικ.4: afternoon, garden, guitar, chairs, small. Wb p. 56, 57 όλες τις ασκήσεις. Θα κάνετε και αυτή την άσκηση στην οποία σέρνετε την απάντηση στο κατάλληλο κουτάκι: Το e mail μου:
Send me your dictation from 9/2 and student's book p 53 ex 3 on our viber group or our school's email 1) student's p 55 read the text very well! 2) workbook p 54 all activities 3) wordlist copy 36 - 51 dictation 36 - 45 4) student's p 54 ex 3
Start checking your wordlist for unit 4 1) student's book p 56 ex 1 2 3 2) workbook p 38 all activities 3) Optional: student's book p 55 prepare your own survey and report (ex 4 and 5) Topic: How can you be healthier at school? 1) prepare 3 yes/no questions (take a look at ex 4 in the purple box) 2) ask your family or friends the questions 3) you can prepare a graph 4) Report your results and give suggetions on what we can do about it (see ex 5) - it must be a small paragraph 5) you can present it in class too
Hello everyone! Your homework for Wednesday: 1) SB: read the story on p. 64-65 VERY WELL and remember it!! Do ex. 4 on p. 65 2) WB: p. 62, 64 3) Word list: 40-50 p. 17 See you! 🥰
SB Read the text of lesson 20 five times. Copy+learn: men,women, bottle, dirty beach, bin and copy(one time)+learn the plural nouns (ουσιαστικά στον πληθυντικό)on p. 59. p. 60 ex. 1a,1b WB p. 54 ex. 1a, 1b