
Showing posts from January 29, 2018

Mr Marc for 31/01/18

Pre lower Our next unit is about objects and stuff we love and use in our everyday life. So, I would like you to write a presentation about your favorite object! Remember, to make it interesting and involve your audience, you have to try and give details.  Make us understand what this object means to you, how it makes you feel , what exactly makes you satisfied or happy because of using it . Is it the texture ? Is it the design , the size or the weight ? Does the object have a history ? Was it a gift?  Looking forward to hearing your stories!

Mr Marc for the 05/02/18

FCE  Complete the test on unit 4 we started today. Revise study and organise unit 5 vocab. Sign in and use quizlet to do so. You can compare game scores and play online by joining our class  here . Remember, you will be tested, so a little bit every day goes a long way. Prepare for speaking test parts 2 and 3 . Use the back of the student's book p 185-187 to study the expressions they use ( 1.06 for part 2, 1.14  for part 3 stage 1 and 1.16 part 3 stage 2 ) . PRE LOWER Revise study and organise new vocab from unit 5. Workbook p47 and p99. Have you tried logging in to Cambridge online practice recently? Go to this page and please try again. If you have logged in, please join Malama's class using this code hD4qy Please write down your user names on your books so i can help you!

Ms Evi's prof 31/1/2018

Test in Unit 5 Workbook: page 54 reading 1

Ms Vicky's ECCE for Monday 05/02/18

Write the letter, Task C page 63.

Ms Vicky's C senior for Monday 05/02/18

Write a summary of the 'Chocolate Factory' story using the words you have written on your notebook.

Ms Evi's ECCE lower 5/2/2018

Companion: page 61-62 5.86-5.118 words Grammar photocopy + grammar revision

Ms Evi's Csenior 31/1/2018

Students book: page 102 study grammar, page 43 ex.4,5 Companion: page 20 36-52 words Workbook: page 38 ex.1-5

Ms Vicky's JUNIORS 17:00-19:00 29/01/18

Do the workbook exercises page 52, 53 and the photocopy.

Ms Vicky's JUNIORS (16:15-18:15) 29/01/18

Do the workbook exercises page 52, 53.