
Showing posts from April 25, 2020

Ms Themis Lower for 28/4/20

Article in the photocopy from last time: ex. 5,6,7,8–> Write an article with one of the sentences as the title/topic. WB p.66 ex. 1 p.67 Vocabulary and Use of English Watch a TED talk of your choice, summarize it as well tell us your opinion: You have to write this and also be prepared to present it in class. Companion: Do the quiz I’ve sent you on viber to help you with p.109-110 and also study p.111. Remember the phrasal verbs in the box on p.110 by heart!!! 

Ms Themis Proficiency for 27/4/20

SB p.141 ex. E Learn Vocabulary Practice test book : Test 3 Do the grammar, vocab., and 1 reading. Read this article and summarize some of the ways worldwide leaders have dealt with the Covid-19 crisis. Say(Write) your own opinion on what the best tactics against the pandemic have been, from this article. You can practice any new vocabulary from the article above on this site: Step 1: Sign up as a student (it’s free) Step 2: Select Play Step 3: Scroll all the way down where it says: ‘Have some words you need to learn?’ Step 4: Type all the words you want to practice and click on ‘start learning’ For any questions regarding your HW, please let me know before our lesson! Good luck!