Ms.Vicky for 3/10

B Senior 1) Please study words on pp.6+7 Student's Book(orange tables). If you do not have the book yet,the SB pages are below. 2) Do WB exercises 2+3 on p.5.If you do not have the books yet,I give you the workbook page below-you can write the answers on your notebook. 3) Please study the Simple Past and read the irregular verbs you wrote last year.If you do not have them,there is a picture below. Pre-Lower Fashionistas Hello George and ladies!Here's homework for Monday! 1) Do exercises on WB pp.5+6.Check grammar from SB and remember what we talked about (the toddler,the teacher,the gossip lady and the reLLaxed guy). I will upload the tracks on Viber. 2) Study words on p.7 SB