
Showing posts from November 20, 2019

Mr Kostas Confident Giraffes for Friday 22/11

Wb: p24 exc 2         p25 exc 1 and 2 Wordlist: p 7 words 33-43

Miss Chara for 25/11

Pre-lower1 :Workbook p20 do exer 3,4,5,6 P21 do all exercises  Companion p10-11 (wedding-take part in) Revise the same irregulars  Pre-Lower 2: photocopy 'born to dive' do exer 5 (or write about another unusual sport) around 100 - 150 words Photocopy vocabulary do exer 1,2,3 Companion revise all words and the new (independent - involve) Lower: write an informal letter 200-250 words (Student's Book p27 exer 4,5 OR Workbook p25 ever 4 - ONE OF THE TWO-) Workbook p27 do exer 1,2,3 and p26 do exer 3,4 Study the irregulars (swear-write) 

Ms Evi Bsenior for 21/11/19

Students book: page 25 ex.3 Companion: page 8 27-39 words for dictation  Photocopy page 17 ex.2,3 Grammar photocopy ex.3,4

Mr Marc for 27.11.19

THE SINNERS Revise grammar on SB p211 WB p26 ex 1,3 Companion p31 -33 Pre lower WB p88 Revise vocab from unit 1 and 2 WB p 24 ex1-3 p25 ex 8 and 9 Drama llamas Review revise and organise unit 1 and 2 ( make lists) finish all the extra exercises for unit 1 and 2 from the Cambridge website

Ms Evi Asenior for 25/11/2019

Students book: page 18 ex.6, page 109 crazy- what is the school like? Words for dictation  Workbook: page 11 ex.3,4,5, page 13 ex.3, page ex.1,2

Ms Evi Csenior for 25/11/2019

Companion: page 10 44-60 words for dictation  Workbook: page 21 ex.1,2,3,4 Students book: page 16 ex.4 Video photocopy ex.5

Mr Kostas Pre Lower 1 for Thursday 21/11

Sb: p22 exc 6 Wb: p24 exc 1 and 2 Wordlist: p9-10 words 40-52

Miss Chara proficiency masters 21/11/19

SB p.23 ex. F learn the words and make your own sentences with them p.22-23 revise vocabulary p.24 ex. H study again- learn collocations p.25 ex. E,F,G Take a look at 2.7-2.11 p.187-188 grammar

Ms Themis for 21/11/2019

AB Junior Lesson 12---> read it 5 times. Copy and learn the first 5 words C Senior SB p.23 ex. 3 write questions in notebooks Wordlist p.8-9 (21-36)+ Revise words 1-20 WB p.17 ex. 1-4 p.18 ex. 1-4