Pre-Lower 1: Student's Book p17 do the writing task (write a biography about an artist you like - around 100 words -) Workbook p12 do exer 2,3,4 and p13 do exer 5,6,7,8 From the Companion revise the same words you had for last time (retro-be into something) Pre-Lower 2: Student's Book p13 do exer 6 as a writing (think of something exciting you did for the first time and write a paragraph - around 100 words--answering these questions) Workbook p 10 do exer 1,2,3,4,5 Companion revise the same words you had for last time (connection - have in common) and learn very well the adjectives with prepositions (excited about,.. Etc) Lower: Workbook p13 do exer 3,4 P14 read the text and do exer 2,3 Students book p16 do exer 3 (answer these questions from the text) and p17 do the writing (an informal letter 150-200 words) From the wordlist study the same words very very well and from the back of Workbook revise and learn the past forms of the irregular verbs (be-buy)