B Senior 1) Do WB pp. 10+11 exercises. 2) Study words on p.10 SB 3) Do wordwall activities below to revise the use of "must" https://wordwall.net/el/resource/4544759/must https://wordwall.net/el/resource/9702650/must/you-must-you-mustnt 4) Use the words below to make a rhyme (2 lines,2 words). Your results can be funny! Cat – Sat Ball – Fall – Tall Make – Cake Three – Tree Two – Shoe Hot-Not 5 ) Now some videos and answers to your questions: a. the lion is used as a sign outside a pub(=bar/restaurant) and the most famous name for a pub is "The Red Lion". You can also find it outside a castle. b.here are two videos on YouTube on the Statue of Liberty history and the emblems of the United Kingdom(England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland). Each place has an emblem-flower and a parton saint(=πολιούχος άγιος). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgHJDgmkhjo&ab_channel=WizzExplore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkSyX8F7rhA&ab_channel=EnglishbyWilko Prelower 1) D...