Proficiency C1 Hi guys please do the photocopy I sent you on viber Stupendous 7 please read workbook p92 2 or 3 times and check you understand the rules! then do workbook p34
Students book: page 54-55 reading, page 57 and 141 study the grammar theory Workbook: page 58-59 5.1-5.44 words for dictation, page 66 ex.A, page 67 ex.B
Hello! Your homework for Thursday: 1) Word list: 1-12 p. 16 2) WB: p. 58-59 3) You can find your test here: test B senior When you finish send it here: See you🤩
1) Study the vocabulary on student's book p 50, all the words we talked about and the words in your word list. Create a list with your top 10 favourite cognates of Greek and English. 2) workbook p 34 3) study irregular verbs 31-40 from your list 4) find hw on cambridge online, up until the end of January Please do not forget to send your categories as photos on our Viber group
1) word list copy and dictation 17-24 and read the examples very well. 2) re-read the song and learn by heart the last part (την τελευταία στροφη) we will sing it next time. 3) do the photocopy below (έχει και το κομμάτι της θεωρίας, μπορείτε να κρατήσετε για δικη σας επανάληψη αν θέλετε) 4) Go to cambridge primary and do the unlocked activities from unit 4 and the games from unit 3
Hello everyone! H/w Sb on p.54 read the text many times! Wb p. 50 -51 all exercises Θα κάνετε και την παρακάτω άσκηση: Το e mail μου: