To work a little more on the future tenses of unit 7 (I expect you all studied and did the exercises from workbook) So, after go to this link : Future Forms Watch the video and read the rules and explanations carefully. You might want to keep some important notes in your notebooks. Then, do the 3 exercises following always writing scores and answers in your notebooks. To practice a little more do the following exercises online: Future Tenses Exercises 1 (will, going to, present continuous) Future Tenses Exercises 2 (will, going to) Future Tenses Exercises 3 (will, going to, present simple) To take a break watch this video about veganism: Veganism Do the preparation task, watch the video and do the 2 exercises below it! Has it changed your idea about veganism? Write your answers and scores in your notebooks. Time for some writing practice! Go to this link: FOMO Do the preparation task and read the essay. Play close attention to ...