
Showing posts from April 14, 2020

Ms Themis for 16/4/20

Pre-Lower WB p.58 make sentences with the phrasal verbs. On Cambridge lms, go to unit 6 and watch the video 6.1 (Let's celebrate) again. Take notes to explain what these mean and give examples from the video:  firework display/to feel revitalised/cherry blossom/Diwali/aspirations SB p.66 ex. 4 p.67 ex.1,2,3 Words Revise 21-37 you had for last time and study p.30 (38-48). If you're not sure how to pronounce a word, google it and listen to it. B Senior SB p.71 ex. 3 Create a quiz with six sentences. Look at the example,you have to write similar sentences. You will get points for your sentences: if you write something that others write too, you get one point for it but if you write a creative sentence that noone else writes, you get 3 points! Good luck! P.72 Read/Sing the song a few times. Try to learn it by heart!!! Try hiding it and check if you remember it. WB p.72 ex. 1,2 ex. 3 post in on Cambridge lms--->blog---->write a new post--->add Words: p.20 (31-38) p...

Mr Kostas' A Seniors for Thursday 16/4

Sb: p65-read x5 Wb: p61-all exc         p65 exc 2- send it to my email         p66-exc1 Wordlist: p17 words 38-54 My email:

Ms Vicky's Top Team for Thursday 16/4

Sb: p71 Write a new dialogue like in exc 1. You must change the gadget, the price, and the adjectives (expensive,cheap,big,small,beautiful,ugly) Wb: p 70 all exc Wordlist:p 18 words 1-15 Do all the exercises from the following photocopies and send them with the dialogue from the Sb to my email:

Mr Marc for 21.04.20

Pre Lower Hello all, first and foremost you have to learn the new vocabulary from unit 6 so far by heart. organise them in your notebooks and memorise them. Please make sure you also learn the prepositions we did today ( agree on, prepare for ect...) Then workbook p58 ex 5 and 6, and finally i want you finish unit 5 completely on the cambridge platform. If you have any problems with the platform, please send us an email so we can help you as soon as possible! Have a nice Easter!

Mr Marc for 16.04.20

C senior Hello guys, for next time i want you to learn the new vocab we learned from unit6  ( wordlist p 26  unit 6 1-16), also student book p63 ex 3 and finally workbook p57 all the exercises. Lower  Hello girls, please organise the expressions we learned into spidergrams ( what we looked at on wb p66) and workbook p70-71. Finish all the exercises on SB p99) Also login to cambridge to do the extra material in unit 7 - if you haven't ever logged onto cambridge send an email so we can help you with it! Proficiency OK guys, here's the deal. Student book p216, learn the rules well. I will test you. Then sb p 99 for practice. Revise all the vocab from unit 7 so far! After that wb p74 and 72 to check your understanding   

Mr Kostas Pre Lower 1 for Thursday 16/4

Sb: p58 exc 6 You can sent this exercise in my email: Sb: p 59 read text x5 Wordlist: p26 words 56-66