
Showing posts from January 28, 2022

Ms Evi Prof for 2/2/22

Companion: page 54-55 revise the words, page 56-58 4.77-4.107 words for dictation, page 63 ex.2,3A, page 64 ex.3B Student's book: page 55 clozes  ex.2,3 Workbook: page 39 ex.4,5,6,7, page 43 topic 2

Ms Themis for 1/2/22

Hungry Horses Hello boys and girls  SB p. 37 Read the text in ex. 4 again. Remember: Where can we listen to music? How can we take music with us everywhere we go? Why are headphones useful? Is music important?  Words to learn/copy in your notebooks: Headphones/let us listen(μας επιτρέπουν να ακούμε)/styles or kinds of music/cultures(κουλτούρες)/typical (τυπικό, παραδοσιακό) Activity book p. 37 ex. 4,5,6  In ex. 5 write(in your notebooks) something like this : Have a great weekend!  Dancing Dolphins  Hello children! SB p.36 Read the text again and then do ex. 1,2,3 p. 36 in you activity books if you haven't done them yet. p. 37 Read the text in ex. 4. Remember: Where can we listen to music? How can we take music with us everywhere we go? Why are headphones useful? Is music important?  Words to learn/copy in your notebooks: Headphones/let us listen(μας επιτρέπουν να ακούμε)/st...

Ms Themis for 31/1/22

A Senior 1 Hello children! In your SBs do ex. 4,5 p. 43. Revise the texts,songs, words, grammar boxes we studied in Units 1-3.  Do all the activities on Cambridge One Units 1-3 to help you revise! Have a great weekend!🙂 Miserable Bananas Hello boys! To prepare for the test of Unit 3, go on Cambridge One to do all the activities of the unit.  Revise the grammar, vocabulary, texts of Unit 3 well.  Last, do ex. 1,2,3 in your SBs p. 48. Have a very nice weekend!🔆

Ms Fillio's A Senior for 1/2

 SB on p.38 39 read the text!  Copy x5 and dictation: have an idea, smile = χαμογελάω,  laugh = γελάω , superhero, funny = αστείος  AB on p 37 ex.4  From Ms Evi's photocopy on p. 33 ,35 ex. 2,3  and read the text 5 times! 

Ms. Vicky for 31+1/2

  Ms. Vicky for 31+1/2 Hello ladies and gentlemen,I am FINALLY in😁😁😁😁!!!Below you can find your homework for the coming week for me! Lower Furious Fireflies 1) Look at topic sentences,I will heck if you can recognize a topic sentence in a paragraph, 2)  Writing task on p.63 SB.Please use the General Plan on p.62 of your SB and connecting words like "however,in addition" ,etc. to do the task. Please do not just copy the letter on p.62,but,as I said,create your own text in your notebooks.  Fashionistas 1) Look at the words we saw for p.50 in your SB,  2) Study new grammar should,shouldn't and ought to  3) Do exercies on WB,p.35+36 Pre Lower 2  1) Study words on p.50 SB,  2) Do exercises on WB p.35 Pink Panthers  1) Study words we wrote on board,for the ones that were not there, I am noting them below: moon=φεγγάρι, δορυφόρος milky way=γαλαξίας N.A.S.A.=διαστημική υπηρεσία Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών Αμερικής  U.F.O.(Unidentified Flying Object)=ιπτάμ...

Ms Nikoleta Juniors for Thursday

  Hello everybody!  This is our homework for Tuesday Student's book p 56 1. Revise the words: night, go home, sleep, look for, need, phone 2. Read the text 3. Workbook p. 52-53 ex 1a,b ,2,3