
Showing posts from January 25, 2018

Ms Evi's A senior 1/2/2018

Students book: page 44 Lesson 14 read it, Companion: page 39 13.16-13.28, page 40 ex.1,2 Workbook: page 34 ex.1, page 36 ex.2

Ms Themis' ECPE for 01/02/2018 19:30-20:30

SB p.83 ex.3 p.74-77 Study vocabulary Mid-year test--> everything apart from the vocabulary section WB p.56-57 Unit 6 vocabulary from WB and SB (Everything we've done so far)

Ms Evi's ECCE lower 29/1/2018

Students book: page 141-142 study grammar Companion: page 59-61 5.45-5.90 words Grammar Photocopy

Ms Themis' Pre-Lower for 01/02/2018 17:30-18:45

WB p.40 ex.1-4 p.41 Write in notebooks: Words I didn't know before and make a list Revise words we've done so far in  Unit 4 Do the reading photocopy and write 100 words for the discussion questions Revise grammar Unit 3 for test

Ms Vicky's JUNIORS (16:00-18:00) AND (17:30-19:30) 25/01/18

Student's book, Lesson 19: Read the text 5 times. Copy the words and phrases 5 times and study them for dictation!

Ms Vicky's JUNIORS (16:15- 18:15) AND (17:00-19:00) 24/01/18

Student's book, Lesson 19: Read the text 5 times. Copy the words and phrases 5 times and study them for dictation!

Mr Marc's Homework for 29/01/18

Pre-lower For next time please study, revise and organise vocabulary from unit 3-4 using lists and tables. Use this website to help you check how much you know of unit 3 and unit 4 SB p 50 ex 1, 3, 4 and 5 p 51 ex 5, 6. Please study the text on the Archimedes principle and finish the exercises on CLIL 3. Can you explain how this principle works using the words from the text? This is what you're aiming to do. Learn to distinguish between weight and volume by explaining how he solved the problem the King of Syracuse posed him.  Here  is a video about zero gravity flight and some quick exercises for you to do as well. Try to do a little bit everyday so it's not too much to handle! See you soon!

Ms Themis' FCE for 26/01/2018

SB p.68 ex.2,3 p. 61 ex.1 Learn phrasals by heart Companion --> Revise and study p.68-69 WB p.29 ex.3 p.30 ex.1,2 In class we checked p. 60-61 in the Student's book and we checked the vocabulary from text on p. 59 (Make sure you know it) We also checked and discussed the mistakes you all made in the tests.

Ms Themis' Pre-Lower For 29/01/2018 18:30-19:50

Reading photocopy , find it here: Ready to print here: Answer the discussion questions with 100 words Unit 3 grammar test WB p.41 Study text  and learn words + p.99 ex.1-4

Ms Themis' B Senior For 29/01/2018 16:15-18:15

SB p. 42 Study text well p.43 Look at grammar+ex. 5 p.142 (Study catch-eat) WB p.36-37 ex.1-5 Companion p.45 (13-22) p.47 ex.1,2 Write about your weekend!

Miss Chara's C senior 24/1/2018

Homework for 29/1/2018 Test on Monday 29/1 unit 3 Workbook p.32 exercise 5 p.33 exercises 6,7,8,9 p.36 exercise 2

Miss Chara's JUNIORS (5:00-7:00pm) 24/1/2018

Homework for 29/1/2018 Student's Book p.54 read the text 3 times and copy and dictation all the words 5 times