Prelower1 : PET reading do parts 3,4,5 and writing parts 1,2 Workbook p54 do exer 1,2,3,4 Revise units 4,5 for test Don't forget to bring the money for the PET next time!!! Pre-Lower 2: Do PET readings parts 3,4,5 and writing 1,2 Revise unit 4 for test Workbook p50 exer 1,2,3 Don't forget to bring money for the PET next time! Lower :Revise very well units 5,6 for TEST and study a lot the modal perfect from photocopy Workbook p59 do 1,2,3 and p63 do exer 6,7 Students book p63 do 4,5 (writing) p65 do all