Prelower1 : Do the PET readings (photocopy) NEXT TIME TEST UNIT 3 Student's Book p45 do exer 4 Workbook p40 do exer 1,2,3,4 Pre-Lower 2: Revise unit 3 for test (we are going to write it on Wednesday) Companion p19-20 study the words (from 15 to 37) Workbook p38 do exer 1,2,3,4,5 Students book p43 do exer 3 Bring the PET test those of you you haven't Lower: NEXT TIME TEST UNIT 4 Students book p47 do exer 2,3,4 P50 do vocabulary exer 2 Photocopy test extra do exer 1,2,3 and 5,6 Revise the same words of unit 5 Remember that we expect your parents on Monday 27/1 at 20:45 to talk about the exams