Miss Chara for 9/10
Pre-lower1: Workbook p9 do exer 3,4 P.10 do exer 1,2 Students book p. 99 do exer 4 Wordlist p. 5-6 study the words (connection - have in common) The drama lamas: Student's Book p. 10 do exer 3, study the words of exer 4 and write a blog entry of the weather for the place you were assigned to. Lower: Workbook p8 do summing up exer 1 Reporting verbs exer 1 and 3 P.9 do changes exer 1 regrets exer 1 and summing up exer1 Students book p. 10 do speaking exer 2(write one sentence for each situation) P. 11 do regrets exer 2