
Showing posts from April 7, 2022

Ms Nikoleta's Juniors

 Hello everybody!  This is our homework for Tuesday Stb p. 94 -95 1. Read the text 2. Copy (x3) and dictation: put, a lot of, outside, ready, old 3. Study the box Grammar with Jet and practice with your family at home. Ask "How many oranges are in the kitchen? There are four oranges. How much salad is on the table? There is a lot of salad." Workbook p. 84-85 finish the exercises

Ms Nikoleta Prelower

Hello everybody! Happy Friday! This is our homework for Tuesday: 1. For the people that were given the Practice tests, please bring them on Tuesday 2. Stb p. 84 ex 4  a) learn these words for dictation.  b) write a short text using all the words Have a nice weekend
  Ms.Vicky for 12/4 C Senior Pink Panthers 1) Study grammar Past Perfect on p.85 SB 2) WB exercises p.58 and SB p.85, ex.5 3) Do the following activities to understand Past Perfect better: 4) Learn the following: When it's carnival time,these tenses change costume: Present Simple->Past Simple  Present Continuous-> Past Continuous Past Simple->Past Perfect Present Perfect->Past Perfect Dancing Dolphins 1) Study irregular verbs from p.127 smell->teach and revise the verbs we've done so far. 2) Here is the link to the video we did

Ms Fillio's A Senior for 12/4

 1. Do Ms Evi's photocopy.  2. Sb on p.74 ex.3 read the text.  3. Copy x5 and dictation:  Weather report= δελτίο καιρού  Scientist, study, information= πληροφορία, special, instrument, thermometer 🌡️, rain gauge, weather vane = ανεμοδείκτης, map, measure.  4. AB on 74 ex.1 , on p.75 ex.3

Ms Evi Pre-Lower 4 for 12/4/22

Test in unit 5 Cambridge platform 

Ms Evi Golden Eagles for 12/4/22

Companion: page 90 ex.A, page 91 ex.E, page 93-95 blue pages  Practice test book writing test 2

Ms Themis A Senior for 11/4/22

Hello children, For Monday you have to study this dialogue. Girls learn Jenny, Eva, Tom and teacher Boys learn Mr. Friendly You also need to copy and learn the sentence 'Today Mr' and the words on p. 83 SB. Activity book p. 81 ex. 3,4 p.83 ex. 1 Revis the songs,stories and words we learnt in units 4-6. You can do that on Cambridge One.  See you on Monday!
Ms.Vicky for 11/4 Furious Fireflies 1) Study grammar SB pp.106-107 and pp.149-150 reflexive pronouns and connectors. 2) Do exercises SB p.106 ex.6 and WB p.117 C,D. 3) Using grammar p.140,write one sentence in Passive voice for yourselves 4) Exercise Passive Voice and reflexive pronouns: Fashionistas 1) Do the Writing from un.6 test 2) Study p.83 SB vocabulary 3) Do "Explore it!" activity p.83 SB  4) Do exercises p.56+57 WB  5) Continue with project and the song chorus 6) Check the use of Υπερσυντέλικος in Greek Bee's Knees 1) Study the table with the Gerunds-Infinitives and the change of meaning and do the activities below:

Ms Fillio's Juniors 2 for 11/4

 Sb on p.98 read the text. Copy x5 and dictation:  arm, leg, flag, blow, hold, wave, what's happening?  Wb on p.86 all exercises.

Ms Fillio's Juniors 1 for 11/4

 Sb on p.92 copy x5 and dictation:  T- shirt, clothes, sock,  coat, scarf, holiday, warm. AB on p.82 all exercises.

Ms Vasileia Elegant Elephants for 13/04

Read p.16, 17 from the handouts (topic sentences and conclusions). Lesson 1b p.22-25:  Do exercices  2 & 3 p.22                     1 & 2b p.23                      4 & 5 p.24                       and write the article at p.25 I am also attaching the picture with some useful words I mentioned. 💓