Mr Marc for 20/12/21
Furious Fireflies study words 4.126 - 4.153 from the companion complete the companion vocabulary exercises p52-53 ( a,b,c and d) Elegant elephants as mentioned in class - listening + workbook vocab + examples Cambridge proficiency First things first, complete the writing sb p 39 about a memorable advertisement. Read the question carefully and follow the guidelines on p38 Complete p41 ex 4 and the crossword p189 review and revise phrasals and expressions we covered in class sb p 43 and write out some examples or prepare a short talk on topic connected to consumerism Continue your research on consumerism by watching this video and preparing notes embarrassing eskimo dogs Revise grammar and vocab from unit 1-3 for a small test. Study the new words from the texts we did in unit 5, use your companion