Pre-Lower 5-6 WB p.98 ex.1-5 p.34-35 ex. 3,4,5,6 SB p.37 ex. 5 write an article of 150 words (if you don't have time you can do it for next Tuesday) Words: p.15-16 Pre-Lower 6-7 Write a review of your favourite film or series. Follow the review of Skyfall that we looked at together as a model. (You can do this in the weekend for Tuesday if you don't have enough time) WB p.28 ex.1-5 p.30 ex. 1-3 SB p. 37 ex.3,4 Words p.15 (54-67) +p.16 FCE SB make sure you've done the text on p.58 ex.2 Revise grammar unit 4!!! WB p.23 ex.1-3 in case we haven't done them p.27 ex. 1,2 Companion study p.62-63 ECPE SB p.61 ex. 2,3 p.63 ex. 1,2,3 Revise vocabulary unit 4
SB, Lesson 12: read it five times Companion, p. 34: Study the Grammar theory. Companion. p. 36: copy x3 and dictation: (12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12,6, 12.7, 12.9 12.10, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13, 12.14, 12.15, 12.16, 12.17, 12.18) Workbook, p. 31, ex. 4,5 p. 32, ex. 1.
B senior Companion learn all words from page 38 Workbook ex 1 and 2 p30 Fce Read article and summarise ECPE Correct workbook exercises and prepare questions. Do the long listening from the student book.
B senior: study the irregular pasts ( from get - put) Companion p. 13-14 copy and dictation (brick - get away) Workbook p. 48 exer 1,2 and p. 49 exer 1,2,3 Photocopies time prepositions exer 3 and simple past-past continuous exer 2,3