
Showing posts from May 20, 2022

Ms. Vicky for 24/5

Pink Panthers C Senior  1) Revise Reported Speech and Irregular verbs 2) Do WB p.75 HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!!!!!!

Ms Themis B Seniors for 24/5/22

Hello children, For Tuesday read the blog post on SB p. 102-103. Remember as much information as you can from it. If there are words you don't know, write them in your notebook and we'll talk about them next time.  Activity book p. 96-97 Do all the exercises. Have a great weekend! 

Ms Nikoleta's Juniors for Tuesday

 Hello everybody! This is our homework for Tuesday: Student's book p. 112  1. Copy (x3) the words: policeman/ concert/ hide/ strange (περίεργο)/ know (ξέρω/ γνωρίζω) 2. Read the story 3. Try learning by heart "I'm sorry about your party... Come with me" Workbook: p. 100 ex 1 

Ms Nikoleta's Hungry horses for Tuesday

 Hello everybody! This is our homework for Tuesday: Stb p. 98 Read and sing the song many times. Try learning it by heart and doing the moves. Copy the words in your notebook and learn them for dictation: follow/ touch/ entrance/ turn on/ turn off/ land/ exit/ enter/ save/ stay Activity book : p. 98 ex 1,2

Ms Fillio's A Senior for 24/5

 SB on p.98 read the text. Learn by heart: Last week..... cinema. Copy x3 and dictation: square, library, swimming pool, bus station.  Study the irregular verbs in past simple from your notebook.  AB on p.96 ex 2,  On p.97 , 98 all exercises.

Ms Nikoleta's Prelower for Tuesday

Hello everybody! This is our homework for Tuesday: 1. Do the Pet test 2. Revise for a test on Unit 8 (grammar and vocabulary) 3. Do the exercises on Cambridge one See you!