
Showing posts from November 5, 2021

Ms Evi Prof for 10/11/21

Student's book: page 209 study the grammar theory of present simple and continuous and past simple and continuous  Workbook: page 14 reading 1, page 16 ex.1, page 18 ex.1,2 Companion: page 24-27 2.59-2.98 words for dictation 

Ms Evi Prof practice tests for 12/11/21

Practice test 7 pages 160-161 grammar, pages 162-163 closes

Ms Themis A Senior 1 for 8/11/21

Hello! SB p. 18 Draw an activity (or more on your notebooks) that you like doing. Also, write an activity you do and don't do for every day of the week. On Monday I... but I don't... On Tuesday I.... but I don't... (Continue for all 7 days) On Monday you will take a test on Unit 1 Revise the readings, story, song and words. Continue working on Cambridge One!

Ms Themis Dancing Dolphins for 9/11/21

Hello! Activity book p. 13 ex. 4,5 SB p. 13 Study the text about deserts, remember it well. Learn the words we wrote down(spelling and meaning) During/temperature/over 40°C/below 0°C(degrees)/nomads/permanent/traditional/ protect (my arms and legs) from (the sun and the sand)/artificial Keep working on the first unit of Cambridge One. 

Ms Themis Hungry Horses for 9/11/21

Hello! On Tuesday you will take the test of Unit 1. So you have to revise all the words we learnt, the readings, song and grammar.  The activities on Cambridge one will help with your revision, finish them by Sunday.  Activity book p. 14 ex. 3 Write in your own simple words. 

Ms Korina A senior 2 for 8/11

Helloooooo 🙋‍♀️ This upside down triangle 🔻 will help you remember the adverbs of frequency!  ‼Study the Present Simple from the photocopy above‼ and do ex. 2 p. 21 from Activity book

Ms Korina A senior 1 for 8/11

Hello everybody 🙋‍♀️ Copy ×2 the words  How often...?=ποσο συχνά; Always =πάντα  Often=συχνά  Sometimes =μερικές φορές Seldom = σπάνια  Never = ποτέ This upside down triangle will help you🔻 Activity Book p. 20 do ex 2! 

Ms Korina Miserables bananas for 8/11

Hello boys! Sb p. 24 ex 5. be ready to discuss these questions in class. Write your arguements on your notebook.  E.g Personally, I prefer Bordallo's street art because..