
Showing posts from January 12, 2021

Ms Themis Proficiency for 14/1/21

Revise and know the vocabulary on p . 38-39 in your SB well. Use the same Quizlet list I sent you over the holidays if you find it helpful.  SB p. 52 learn the new vocabulary in exercise 1. I will ask you for the definitions of the words and you have to remember them! Try doing exercise 2 by filling in what you know and maybe by doing some research online. 

Ms Themis' Pre Lower for 14/1/21

For the next lesson, bring more participation please!!! Do these exercises, answer the questions in the last exercise and send them to me typed or on Google docs.  SB p. 35 learn all the new vocabulary, do exercise 5 without looking at the verbs ( learn them first and check if you remember them by doing exercise 5). Also answer the questions in exercise 6 and send them typed or on Google docs.  WB after you've learned the vocabulary in your student's book do exercises 1-6 page 24. 

Ms Themis' A Senior for 14/1/21

Wordlist: p. 13 Copy and learn words 1-8, know how to spell them and read the examples very well!  SB p. 46 Learn the clue by heart (Go up high... down) WB p. 46 ex. 1,2  Learn the verbs in the past:  write-wrote  learn-learnt  And revise the ones in your notebooks. 

Ms Evie FCE for 15/1/21

Companion: page 48-49 3.164-3.203 words for dictation  Workbook: page 21 ex.1  Photocopy of the practice test 1 do the readings on pages 10, 11, 12, 13

Mr Marc for 14/01/21

Stupendous Seven Hello guys, for next time please revise the grammar we did on p39 ( make sure you re-read the GET IT RIGHT section) then do exercise 3 p39 also I'd like you to prepare flash cards ( small card with the verb on one side - TELL for examples- and the phrase on the other - A JOKE) with TELL and SAY to help you revise and test your classmates, make sure you use nice BIG LETTERS!!! then please do workbook exercises p28

Ms Fillio’s Juniors for 14/01

 Hello everyone!  This is your h/w for Thursday 14/01:  Sb on p. 50 , read the text.  Copy and dictation the words:  morning, children, beach, sea, ride a bike,  sunny, fantastic  Wb on p. 46 ex. 1,2  Θα κάνετε και αυτό το φυλλάδιο, μόλις το τελειώσετε, πατάτε finish, e mail the answers to my teacher και γράφετε το e mail μου:  See you soon! 😍

Miss Sofia's proficiency for Thursday 14/11

Hello!  Your homework for Thursday: 1) SB: p. 46, 48: Read the texts to remember their topic and be ready to talk about them. Also, study the words you don't know!  2) SB: p. 55 3) WB: p. 34-36 See you🤩

Ms Tina As2 Summer Group

 1)  Jobs at home yes no Cook  4 2 Wash up 4 2 Tidy their room 6 0 Dry the dishes 3 3 Do the shopping 4 2 Wash their clothes 3 3 Walk the dog 2 4 Write a report in your scrapbook ! (Όπως τα είπαμε στην τάξη) In our class there are 4 children who sometimes cook at home and there are 2 children who never cook. There are 2 children who.... 2) Workbook p 44 wb 1 2 3 3) dictation see the daily tasks again: wordlist p 10 1-9

Miss Sofia's B senior 4 for Thursday 14/11

Hello!  Your homework for Thursday: 1) Word list: 39-44 on p. 14  2) SB: p. 50 Read the story 5 times and learn your part by heart!  Lucy: Athanasia Ben: Aggeliki Horax: Thodoris Zelda: Katerina Learn ex. 2 on p. 51 by heart, too!  3) WB: p. 48 See you!🤩

Ms Tina Cs4 Funclub for 14/1

1) Revise Present Perfect rules and download this list:         study the first 10 verbs and learn the forms by heart 2) do the worksheet that follows 3) do the HW on cambridgeone If you can see this watch this video and tell us what is the craziest tradition and why: 

Ms Evie ECCE for 14/1/21

Companion: page 50-52 4.122-4.171, page 53 ex.A,B Students book: page 46 study the grammar theory and do ex.B

Ms Themis AB Junior for 13/1/21

Watch and read the story on p. 48-49 in your SB. Learn by heart: Danae learn what the grandma says, Stamati and Bill learn the narrator, Nikola and Stelio learn the grandpa. Listen to this song, try to sing it! I'm sending you the words of the song on Viber. 

Miss Sofia's AB junior 2 for Wednesday 13/1

Hello!  Your homework for Wednesday: 1) copy 5 times: morning, children, beach, sea, sunny 2)  Do these exercises: click here   Send it here: + Smaragda, John and Anastasis: δεν μου έχετε στείλει το τεστ 11-15.   Είναι εδώ:  test 11-15 Όταν τελειώσετε πατάτε finish και το στέλνετε στο mail: See you🤩

Miss Sofia's B senior 1 for Wednesday 13/1

Hello!  Your homework for Wednesday: 1) Word list: 39-49 2) WB: finish p. 51 and p. 53  See you! 🤩