
Showing posts from November 6, 2023

Ms Evi Bsenior2 for 8/11/23

Students book: page 21 ex.2 in portfolio (choose a museum you want to write about) Companion: page 10 2.1-2.10 words for dictation  Workbook: page 22 ex.1,2,3  Learn your lines by heart so we can record the story 🤩☺️😊

Ms Korina A senior for 8/11

Hello everyone 🤩 ▪️Wordlist p. 9 revise the words 2.19-2.29 ▪️SB p. 24 sing the song many times until you remember it  ❤️ ▪️Wb p. 24 do the exercises 1,2  ▪️ Super practice book p.20 do ex 1 and 2.  See you on Wednesday 👩🏼‍🏫

Ms Korina lower for 8/11

A) keep practicing the Future tesnes and do ex. 3, 4 on wb p. 42-34. B) from the photocopy I gave you in class do the multiple choice one (a) C) answer these questions on your notebook (keep in mind the future tenses) 👇🏼 1)What do you think your life will be like in 10 years?  2)Can you describe what you'll be up to this time next week ?  3)By the time you finish school, what do you hope to have achieved?   4)What will you have accomplished by the end of this school year if you continue working hard?  5) Are you doing anything this weekend? Tell me about your plans.

Ms Korina and Ms Evi ECPE for 8/11

1) companion p. 26-27 study the vocabulary 2.236-2.244 2) take notes in your notebook and be prepared for the speaking on SB p. 156. Joanna- George prepare Jill Brown and Apostolis-Chris prepare Christopher Moore. Write it in your notebooks!  Use the useful phrases on SB p. 25 to summarize your options!  3) sb p. 126 do the exercises 

Ms Themis Proficiency for 7/11/23

Hello! Finish your essays on p. 14 in your SBs.  Read the following  article and write a short summary of what it's about. (Around 100 words). See you tomorrow!