B Senior SB p.40-41 Read the story (five times) WB p.38 ex. 1,2 p.40 ex. 2 Wordlist p.11 (27-40) Drama Lamas SB p.42 Study text +ex. 3, ex. 4 learn Words: p.19-20 (10-25) Proficiency SB p.57 ex. K,M Study the grammar we talked about Do the exercises in the photocopies I sent you on viber
Prelower 1: Companion p18-19 study the words (roast - mixture) Workbook p36 do exer 6,7,8 and p37 do exer 1,2,3,4 Pre-Lower 2: Student's Book p37 read the text and do exer 3,4 Grammar standard photocopy do all exercises (1,2,3,4) Lower: Wordlist unit 4 study the second half of the words and phrases (journalism - all good) Workbook p39 do exer 4 and p42 dialogue 1 and phrases 1 Students book p45 do the writing (a short story ending with the phrase 'Thanks, you saved my life')