Ms.Vicky for 10/10

 B Senior

1) Do WB pp. 10+11 exercises.

2) Study words on p.10 SB

3) Do wordwall activities below to revise the use of "must"

4) Use the words below to make a rhyme (2 lines,2 words). Your results can be funny!

  • Cat – Sat 
  • Ball – Fall – Tall
  • Make – Cake
  • Three – Tree
  • Two – Shoe
  • Hot-Not
5) Now some videos and answers to your questions:

a. the lion is used as a sign outside a pub(=bar/restaurant) and the most famous name for a pub is "The Red Lion". You can also find it outside a castle. are two videos on YouTube on the Statue of Liberty history and the emblems of the United Kingdom(England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland). Each place has an emblem-flower and a parton saint(=πολιούχος άγιος).


1) Do Explore it on p.11 SB.
(Guess the correct answer. Some celebrities wear special ‘anti-paparazzi’ scarves. What do you think these scarves do?
a. make their faces more beautiful
b. make the photos go black
c. make the celebrities look ugly

2) Do exercises on WB PP.8+9

3) Read the text on p.12 and underline any unknown words

4) After you read the text,think the following:
a.what "smart dressing", and 
b.5 words with "smart"(p.e. smartphone) and whether it means the same as "smart" in "smart dressing".


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