Mr Marc for 31/01/22

 Furious Fireflies

revise unit 5 vocabulary  by re-reading the texts at the beginning of the unit and use quizlet to test yourself (click on learn, flashcards or test

Then complete the multiple choice on sb p 64

Elegant Elephants 

complete the listening on sb p56 ( see viber link track 10 and 11 ) and complete wb p42

Read the texts again to check your vocabulary and test yourself with quizlet (click on learnflashcards or test 

Cambridge proficiency 

check the Napoleon photocopy ( see viber)

write the essay from the sb p56-57 using the expressions from ex 4.

Try to complete the listening from sb p58 (see viber for the audio) ex 2 and 3 

Embarrassing eskimo dogs

Hey guys, please revise the words we covered from the text together and make sure you write examples with expressions from exercise G p 69 in the sb. Revise the vocab with quizlet (click on learnflashcards or test ) THEN wb p78 ex A and B AND revise the gerunds from unit 5 and the vocab for next week!


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