For Mr Marc 20/04/18

Pre lower

Please review revise and organise ALL the units so far, including phrasal verbs from readings, speaking sections and collocations and idioms. Create category clouds and the fork system to make more sense of the vocab we're learning!

Join the class on quizlet ( login using your facebook or gmail account ) to challenge and test yourself - remember to use the learn, test and game options in quizlet.


Hi guys, please take the time to review, revise and organise all the words we have learned so far. Join the page i've made on quizlet to challenge yourself on the vocabulary from the book. Remember, you can login using your facebook or gmail account.

Please make sure you do what I ask over the next two weeks, a little bit every two days - NOT all at once. Like watering a plant, or training for a big match, a little bit every day goes a long way!


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