Mr Marc 05.04.20

C senior

Hello everyone, for next time please go to workbook p64 and do exercises 1-5 

Then do the reading on this page and remember to do the Preparation and Check your understanding exercises


Hi girls, first of all - make sure you have the myths about fitness reading ready to correct for next time! Here is the link in case you forgot...

And for next time i'm sending you another reading to do on the viber group. 

See you soon!

Pre Lower

First make sure you’ve finished the homework from last time then do the reading worksheet exercises 1-6 here

B senior

Hello guys! For next time i would like you to revise words 70 -89 on page 22

Then go to workbook p79 and do exercises 1 and 2

Finally, write a short description of the unusual  animal you saw in the zoo today!


First things first, send me the answers the test so I can see how you did on unit 7 -

Then make sure you finish all the exercises on the sb p106-107 about GM crops, take the time to plan your assessment of the pros and cons - remember building an opinion needs information and critical thought, we need to see evidence of this in your writing! Use this video on GM, it uses balanced arguments and I found it very informative

Finally carefully compose your writing, make sure you use the guide from the student book and ask if you need tips. Make this your best writing yet!


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