Ms Evi Asenior for 25/3/20
Hello girls! I hope you are all well and have fun with your families at home! 😊
I would like you to do something really fun for Wednesday! It was the World Poetry Day on Saturday, so I want you to look at this. It's about dreams! First, you can do the preparation task, then listen to the poem and after that, you can play 3 games! Yayyy! You can find the words of the poem in the Documents after the games. Write your answers in your notebooks, so we can check them when we meet again.
I would like you to learn a song as well! It's a pirate song! You can do the preparation task again, then listen to the song and play the game too! This is the song! You can find the words to the song in Documents after the game.
Have fun girls! Enjoy your stay at home! 🍭
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