Ms Korina A senior for 27/5

Hi everyone 🤗 

1) Wordlist p. 27 copy and dictation 9.19-9.29 
2) SB p. 107 study the language focus box and make 5 sentences about some things you are going to do this weekend! E.g This weekend I'm going to watch a movie.
3) SB p. 110 read the story many times and be ready to tell us what happened in a few words!
4) wb p. 107 do ex. 2 and p. 110 do all exercises 
5) summer play ☀️⛱️🍉 : practice your role - song and your moves for our summer play! Our performance will be on Monday 3/6. So, be ready 😉 

Have a great weekend ☺️ 👩🏼‍🏫 


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