Ms Dimitra C Senior for 10/4

Hey everyone 🤗

Your HW for Wednesday 10/4 is:

1) WB: do all the exercises on p. 94+95

2) SB: read again the text on p. 94 (I'll ask you some questions about it) and practice the dialogue on p. 95 (Chris, Smaragda and Bill as Grace. Stamatis, Thanasis and Paul as Jack)

3) study the words: 8.1-8.22

4) Read the reviews on padlet and check for any mistakes. You're welcome to leave a nice comment on someone's post and like it. For anyone who hasn't uploaded yet, please do so because it's needed!

Reminder: We'll write the test on Wednesday because two of you were missing. I hope everyone will be able to come on Wednesday.

See you soon! 😊


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