Ms Dimitra B Senior for 11/3

Hey everyone 🤗

Your HW for Monday 11/3 is:

1) WB: do the exercises on p. 82+83

2) SP: p. 60 (study the language focus and do ex 1) and do ex 2 on p. 61

3) words for copy (2 times) and dictation: 7.1, 7.3-7.11, 7.14, 7.22

On Monday we'll write a test on Unit 6, so you need to study: the words, the song (SB p. 72), the story (p. 74+75) and about the dinosaurs (p. 78+79). Study also the language focus in SP (p. 52+54) and in SB (p. 71+73)

You can also do the assignment on Cambridge One for further practice!

Have a nice weekend!


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