Pre-school Pandas 31/01

 Hello dear parents ♥️

During Wednesday we started the lesson by saying “How are you???” “How old are you??” and the kids talked about their feelings and age. 

Then we sang two songs from the book (the numbers chant & six little elephants). You can listen to them at home.

Then we played an adapted version of the bingo game with flashcards were kids first named all the flashcards and then each kid would say various words until everyone was left without flashcards. 

Vocabulary used: animals, body parts, toys, means of transport.

Then we played the “Teddy Bear touch….” game, giving different instructions for the kids to follow e.g. touch the ground, touch the sky, turn around, dance, sing etc.

Finally, we watched “Crossing the road” story and we repeated the dialogues all together. You can watch it at home as well, they really liked it🥰

Until next Wednesday ♥️


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