Ms Dimitra C Senior for 19/2

Hey everyone 🤗

Your HW for Monday 19/2 is:

1) WB: do all the exercises on p. 68+69

2) SB: p. 68, do a presentation about an interesting city (either on a piece of paper or in PowerPoint)

3) words to study: 5.104-114 + harbour, mild

On Wednesday 21/2 we're having a test on Unit 5, so you need to study: about the Great Fire (SB p. 58), the words from the unit, the language focus theory (on p. 59+61 SB and p. 44+46 SP), the story on p. 62-63 and about the tourist attractions and the famous buildings on p. 64, 66, 67. You can also do the assignment on Cambridge One for further practice.

Have a nice weekend!


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