Pre-school Pandas 15/11/23

Good morning dear parents,

Last Wednesday I blew up a balloon and the students gave me the instruction:
And then 'pop' to deflate the balloon. (With actions)

We played hide and seek with words and colours we've been learning. We said 'close/open your eyes' 'ready?' 'roll the die' and read the numbers on the die 🎲.

We watched a story (read it below) about some friends playing with kites and how they helped each other get their kites from a tree with a ball. 

I paused the story and we said altogether:
He's/she's sad 
What's the matter?
The kite is in the tree
Oh no
Thinking (with action)
I've got an idea (with action)
Go go!
Great idea!
Hooray 🎉

We talked about the story and how it's important to help your friends.

See you on Wednesday! 🤩


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