Ms. Vicky for 4/12

PreLower Angry Birds

1) Test unit 3! Please study grammar, vocabulary, green boxes from SB, everything in general!!! 
2) Do WB p. 30+31 exercises 
3) For next Wednesday, please write a listicle on the following topic:

"5 ways to fight acne"


1) Unit 3 test everybody!!! Please study grammar, vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms, everything from unit 3!! Revise the mistakes you have made in WB!! 
2) Do SB p. 48 ex. 1+4 and p. 47 ex. 3(finish what we started) 
3) Study grammar carefully from grammar box on p. 38 and in the back of your book(grammar section). Then write ONE sentence for every tense in the box. It is important you do this activity, because if you don't use it in your own writing, it means you haven't understood the theory. 


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