Pre-school pandas

Hello dear parents,

The children came back home with story books and they're ready to tell you a story and sing a song. (They can also colour them if they want to)

This is the story and song if you want to encourage them a bit:

You can talk to them using a toy animal:
A. Hello, what's your name?
B. Hello/Hi/Hey. I'm... What's YOUR name?
A. I'm... Hello/Hi/Hey +name 

We had a water accident so they asked me to mop the floor (please). 

Other language that we used:
Hello 👋 it's nice to see you
I love you Panda
A hug (please)
A kiss (please)
Please? No, thank you 
Fold (the paper)
Cut with the scissors 
Colours : 
yellow/blue/pink/black/purple/red/blue for me
One two three
What's this?
Is it...? Yes/No

We hope you enjoy the story!!!

Have a nice weekend 🐼 🐰 🐊 🐢


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