Ms Korina A senior for 1/11

Hello everyone 🎃👻

Wordlist p.9 2.1-2.16 copy and learn the words for dictation! Copy these words too!
1. Healthy = υγιεινό/unhealthy= ανθυγιεινό
2. Delicious! 🤤 = Πεντανόστιμο! 
3. There is= υπάρχει/there are=υπάρχουν 

WB p. 22 do the exercises 1,2 

 🎭 GRUFFALO PLAY! Keep practicing your role! We will have our last rehearsal on Wednesday and the final play will be on Monday! 

Chapter 1: 🐭 (dimitra) 🦊 (Sophie)
Chapter 2: 🐭 (Lina) 🦉 (George)
Chapter 3: 🐭 (Anixianna) 🐍 (Konstantinos)
Chapter 4: 🐭 (Sophie) Gruffalo (George)


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