Ms Korina A senior 1 for 23/10

Hello everyone 🤓

📖 student's book p. 16-17 read the story many times to remember what happens in few words!

📚 workbook p. 16 (after you've read the story) do all the exercises. 

Gruffalo vocabulary! Copy the words (x1) and learn them for dictation! (Photocopy I gave you in class)
1)by = next to = δίπλα (by the lake, by the river)
2) stream= ρυάκι
3) logpile house 🪵🏡= σωρός από κούτσουρα (ως κρυψώνα ζώων) 
3) in the wood = in the forest 🌳🌱🍄🍂
4) prickles = αγκάθι 
5) tusks 🦣 = χαυλιόδοντες
6) claws = νύχια (ζώου)
7) jaws = σαγόνια
8) kind= ευγενικός
9) knobbly knees = γόνατα με καρούμπαλα
10) turned-out toes= γύριστα(προς τα έξω) δάχτυλα ποδιών 
11) poisonous wart = δηλητηριώδες σπυρί 
12) tongue 👅= γλώσσα

Have a nice weekend! 


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