Ms Korina Cool kids 😎 for 7/5

Hello everyone ☺️

Wordlist p.24 copy and learn the words 8.1-8.21 (Those of you who have to to copy the words twice please do it ☺️)
Learn by heart the questions and the negatives of past simple! Based on these, do the exercises 1 and 2 from super practice book p. 68-69 
Wb p. 94-95 do all exercises!

🎭Here are your roles for our play 🎭 
🤴 King Henry: Nick
👸 Queen Isabella: Maria
 🧙 Witch: Mary
 🤴🏻Prince Harold: George
🤵🏻‍♀️🤵🏼‍♀️🤵‍♀️Maids: Anthi , Stella and Zinovia
👑Pincess Carbonara: Stella
👑Princess Draculina: Zinovia
👑Princess Rose: Anthi

Bring the photocopy in every lesson and when you have free time try to learn your tole by heart! We will perform it in every lesson! 

Have a nice weekend 😁


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