Ms.Vicky for Easter (all classes)

 B Senior (next lesson 24/4)

1) TEST UNIT 7 EVERYBODY! Please study grammar and vocabulary from the unit!

2) Do pp.92+93 WB (ex.1,2,1,3)

3) I will open Cambridge One unit 7 to help you study

PreLower (next lesson 24/4)

1) Study words p.95 SB ex.3

2) Answer questions on p.94 SB 

3) Do Cambridge One un.6+7 to review these units.

C Senior (next lesson 25/4)

Do Cambridge One un.6+7 to revise grammar and vocabulary knowledge.

Lower (next lesson 25/4)

Seven weeks left everybody! It is time for you to start revising as school exams will take place right after(??) Lower exams or at the same time!Organization is the key here and I am not saying it will be easy..Please respect the years you have studied so far, respect your parents' support and give everything you have this final month!I have faith in you and I am here to answer every question!

In case you weren't with us yesterday, we did vocabulary section un.9 (voc.from reading and vocabulary expansion to ex.5).

1) Do the post-it error analysis on your two final tests.Think whether the questions are targeting specific information,general purpose or a particular word in bold.Then, note it on the post-it I gave you.If possible, send me an answer before 23/4 so that I can advise you for future tests.

2) Revise units 1-5 vocabulary and grammar.Organize your study well and DO NOT leave it for the week before the exams.!!

3) Do Reading and Writing pp.104-105 and 114 respectively.Please keep 10-15' for Reading and 30' mins. for Writing.Consider Writing as a mock test!

4) Do WB pp.122-123 ex.1-4

5) Study the vocabulary from un.9 pp.114-119

Happy Easter everyone, have a beautiful time with lots of food and chocolate eggs!💗💜😁😁😅


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