Ms.Vicky for 5/4

B Senior

In case you weren't with us yesterday,we finished: pp.86+87 SB,p.87 WB,p.88 WB(2,3),p.89 WB(1),p.90 WB (1,2) and p.91 WB (4,5).

1) Study Wordlist words 7.39,7.45-7.47,7.49 and 7.51

2) Do WB p.86 (1,2,3)

3) Study Irregular verbs list shut->sleep

4) Check the link on Viber to see how to use sound effects without a computer


1) Study p.86 words and definitions

2) Study p.100 WB Subject and Object questions

3) Do WB p.60 1->5

4) Finish Listening from the test using the file on Viber


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